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Atlas bookmark

Unlike most diaries, Atlas' starts when he transfers to Ever After High halfway through his Freedom Year and describes his first day at the school. Events leading to and during preparations for Legacy Day will be further discussed in 'Atlas Myddrin's Story'. The events of the diary parallel and happen at the same time period as his sister's; Both connecting at the end of each.


Atlas' diary is colored oxford blue and contains a twin charm of a silver moon along with a sapphire shaped into a tear. He is labeled as a Royal and has all accessories tied into a ribbon. The other half of the charm is found on Io Myddrin's Diary.


A New Beginning[]

Some destinies are more important than others, but in hindsight, all play a pivetal role in keeping our stories alive; From the smallest supporting role to the Protagonists. That's what my father taught me, at least.

As the next Merlin, my importance in the arthurian legends vary from story to story, but, in The End, the role I was given changes the fate of many, hence why I need to do my best to fulfill my legacy.

Atlas 1

My sister, on the other hand, got our mom's destiny; 'Lunete'. It is supposed to be a supportive role on some kind of novel involving the next Yvain, but I haven't really looked into it much. not like she has either. I still think it's a bit irresponsible on her side- I mean, we're THE Myddrins. We should be an example for all magical legacies! maybe I've just been too lax on her after our dad got turned into a tree, but I hope she gets back on her feet soon. After all, what if she went all 'Poof!'?

The Merlin destiny isn't something to laugh at, either. I am supposed to become the best wizard of my generation, surpassing even my own father, who taught me everything I know! It would be a near impossible task for anybody, but us Myddrins have a secret ability to maintain our record. Our magic is cumulative; which means that we are born with the magic potential of all our past generations, making us already more naturally talented than someone who's just dipping their toes at magic.

I know I may not have been the best Merlin yet... I've gotten into trouble with the arthurian court more times than I can count, (not my fault they're a royal pain to deal with!) but I truly, really wanna be good. I want to make everyone proud of what I can do not only as the next Merlin, but as Atlas.


The reason why I got transfered to EAH wasn't that simple or easy to recount. In fact, I think it was King Arthur's last attempt to keep me 'in line' before he had to part for Avalon. Not like his other ideas were any good, to be honest.

You see, one of my stories is very particular, particular as is I have to fall in love with a Lady of the Lake, emphasis on Lady. Now, that would all be good and dandy if women weren't overrated to me... And if I wasn't very, honestly, obviously attracted to the complete opposite from them.

Well, his majesty's great idea was to enroll me in an all-male high school. Where, obviously, i promptly got myself a boyfriend. He was just using me, anyways.. Though, Once the court found out about my romantic endeavors, they transferred me here, right in the middle of the year, where my sister is also studying.

"And, this should end our tour of the school!" The person walking in front of me stopped suddenly, snapping me out of my daydream... pixie sticks. Did I just ignore them the whole time? "Uhm... yes, right- thank you for showing me." I nodded, trying not to look startled or completely lost. "The boy's dorms are... uh..." My hand hovered, trying to point at an imaginary location. I didn't even pay attention to the most important part of the tour. Where was I supposed to sleep if I didn't even pay attention to where the dorms were? Gods... I had already started my first day with a left foot.

Atlas 2

"right over there?" The student had already turned around to see me... I was so distracted I didn't even pay attention to what they looked like. They... well, he was tan and had white hair reaching just below his shoulders, his eyes were hazel-.... no, honey? honey coloured. His skin was a warm brown and his clothes were all varying tones of green. He kindly pointed at the exact location I was looking for; a tower right at the back of the school, overlooking the enchanted forest.

"There! Yes, thank you." I let my finger point towards the direction the boy gestured the boy's dorms to be. "You have roommates here, correct?"

"Your old school didn't?" He raised an eyebrow and I shook my head in response.

"We had single rooms... I wonder who my roommate will be..." I was starting to trail off again.

"Well- I think you'll be paired with an odd student who didn't have a roommate at the start of the year." He chuckled, "Must be a bummer, having to share a room after being a whole semester with it all for yourself."

I made a face, I didn't see the problem in sharing. Sure, I did value my privacy like any other person, but we could always get to a compromise. I had always had to share stuff with Io, so a new roommate wouldn't be any different than when I was sharing a room with her when we were kids.

He must've noticed it, because he immediately backtracked. "I didn't mean- I mean I'm sure you'll get along well... and you'll get to choose your roommate next year!" he tried to reassure me, but I shook my head.

"I get it, don't worry... I'm sorry, could you lead me to the boy's rooms?"

The boy sighed in relief and nodded, "Sure! follow me."

As we started walking again, I paid much more attention to the path we would be taking this time, no daydreaming or reminiscing, even though I was tempted to- the events that had happened at my old school were still relatively fresh inside my mind and saying them being distracting would be an understatement... Especially regarding the person I had to leave back there.

As we reached the entrance of the dormitories, I opened a sheet of paper the headmaster had given me and a small key. "Thanks again for leading me, it won't happen again." My eyes shifted between the paper and my surroundings, looking for my room. '

'"Don't worry about it, that's what the Welcoming Commitee is all about. If you need anything else just knock at room 205."

I nodded, finally looking back up at him. "I'll make sure to remember... Uhm.." I pursed my lips, Curses! I didn't even pay attention to his introduction.

"Lago Moliere. you're very forgetful, aren't you?" He didn't seem to mind as gave me a kind smile. '

'"Haha... yeah." I tried to smile back, more embarassed than anything.


Even though I wish he wasn't, Lago was mistaken about his assumption of me being forgetful- actually, I have the inability to forget things.

This is supposed to be my 'Magic Touch'- what would make me stand out from other Merlins in the past. Dad often reassured me its a blessing in disguise, but, being honest, I'd be more inclined to call it a curse.
Sure, it has been very helpful when studying or remembering dates or being able to recall people easily. Kind of like a mirrorphone camera with the best quality specs there is. Problem is, imagine if that mirrorphone can never delete any of the videos or photos you record with that camera- and that camera is always recording.

Atlas 3

Painful, embarassing memories would forever be inside my head and, now matter how hard I tried, I'd never be able to make them go away.

As I walked to my room, I kept staring at the paper and key in my hands. There, my roommate's name was also neatly printed along with their destined story.

Atlas Myddrin | Aleksanteri Jacinthus
 Merlin | Hyacinth

The choice struck me as odd, wasn't he the prince that two greek gods fought over and then was turned into a hyacinth flower? I thought my roommate would kind of be related to my role somehow... and I had also thought mythology students were separated from one another in diffrent roles... Well, I couldn't exactly be picky in my situation, and I guess us both being turned into plants by the end of our stories is enough similarities for us to be roomed together.

I held my breath as I reached the door and inserted the key, a satisfying 'click' confirming I was given the right one by the Headmaster's Office. I didn't notice my hands were trembling until I looked down at the doorknob and twisted it.


It felt like centuries passed as I turned the knob and the door opened in front of me. At first the room looked entirely empty, one half of it was completely covered in white wallpaper with subtle golden hyacinths printed on it, faux pillars placed on it as decoration. I sighed, relieved, I hadn't taken a breath for the entire time my hand was placed at the door.

The other half, the one which I assumed would be mine and had my focus on, was painted a solid pastel blue and was filled with boxes from top to bottom. The first time I was sent to my first school, Princeton, furniture was already assembled for me, but I guess this was the court's punishment for my 'disobedience'.

As I slowly entered the bedroom, I caught movement from the other side. "You're my new roommate?"
My eyes shifted to the already decorated side. There, a boy was sitting on a wide elevated bed decorated with the same pillars I saw embedded on the wall. it even had stairs!

"Uhm..." I nodded and then shifted my sight again to my half of the room. I couldn't afford any distractions if I hoped to be finished by lunch. I kneeled down and started unpacking the bed, which was stored in the biggest box and laid above a faded matress.

Atlas 4

"Do you need any help?" The boy asked again, and I shook my head as I placed the parts where I would roughly want the bed to be, separating the little nuts and bolts into the amount I'd need for each corner. "No, Thank you".
I could still feel his eyes on me, but I did my best to ignore him as I started using my magic to lift up and assemble the pieces I'm sure the court didn't think of this before giving me such a bad punishment, Ha!, only stopping to tighten the nuts with my hands. Once I was done, I sighed and sat on the barren bed, putting another filled box on the mattress and opened it, looking for bedsheets.

To my surprise, it took me about just two hours to assemble my whole room- but I was exhausted, was it a new moon today?

It didn't matter, though, because I could still feel the boy's stare burn into my back. "... Can i help you?" I finally turned around, just to find him still looking at me, bug-eyed. Still not a peep coming from him. "Is- I-... do I have something on my face?!" My cheeks started burning. I did come off a little bit more rude than I wanted to, but I didn't appreciate being stared at silently for so long... it made me anxious.

"Oh- no, no! I just... The place where I come from is more of a place for oracles than wizards-" He replied, but I was already heading out the door in a rushed pace. I thought I would enjoy the admiration that came with my destiny, but I wasn't used to it at all!


I rushed through the halls, darting down the stairs, to the common room and out to the castleteria. My face was still burning and I could still feel the embarassment from the previous situation. Was I too harsh? I didn't mean to shout, but I don't want people to look at me like an oddly duckling! I had more than enough of that in my old school.
I tried to distract myself by looking at my phone. A first generation mirror-phone that would usually cause snickers at Princeton by its sheer antique appearance. it works perfectly well and lasts more than their brittle Poisoned Apple Phones, so whats the problem??.
As I unlocked the screen, the familiar sight of no notifications welcomed me. I wouldn't have minded it on a normal day, but this time i did hope for an answer... After all I had sent my friends a hext message just when I arrived and it was already noon. And I only have two friends. I also, as much as I hate to admit it, expected an answer from... someone else,

Atlas 5

but I should've known better.

Checking my phone did work with fizzling out my embarassment. My face cooled down and my blush had dissapeared. The trade off being now the pit on my stomach as I felt for the first time today how lonely a first day at a new school could be. Especially without my sister by my side.

I looked up at the Castleteria, students were just trickling into the halls and either making the line to order their food or claiming the various tables available. I decided to go for the first option, after all, its not like I had a large enough group of friends that I would need to claim a table early. Nor was I sure my friends would even make an appearance today.
As I approached the line, a familiar voice called out to me. "Atlas! right?"
It was Lago, who came towards me with two other boys following along.

One had his head completely shaved and wore orange. While the other one had a faded black beanie and was dressed in some kind of... goth style? "Uh... Hello.." I tried to look at each of them in the face, but my eyes continued to dart out to other directions- noticing small details on their clothes or body language to avoid their glances. It seemed I wasn't the only one uncomfortable.
"Are you eating alone? You should eat with us." Lago started, but I could feel that, at least the beanie guy, wasn't fond of the idea. And I wasn't exactly either.

"I'm good, thank you. I... Am actually waiting for someone."


"Oh...?" Lago cocked his head. "You've got friends here?"
I nodded, "Yeah... My sister and a middle school friend." My eyes shifted towards the crowd. "I hexted them when I arrived."
Lago also turned around to check on the crowd, then looked back at me. "Do you need help looking?"
"No, no!" I shook my head. "Don't worry, I'll handle it!" The line advanced and I moved forward. Lago and his friends staying back behind. "Thank you, though. You're... very kind." I tried to sound grateful, but I was more nervous than anything. I haven't heard a word from either of them!

As the line progressed, my feelings of doubt started creeping up on me. Should I have accepted Lago's offer? I... didn't feel comfortable in a group full of strangers, but its not like I wasn't used to eating lunch alone; What really bothered me was; what if Io and Lance forgot about me? I would have to start over from scratch... That didn't go well in Princeton- or Camelot... and that's when I had Io by me, even if we couldn't talk much.

Atlas 6

The line advanced some more and I looked down at my empty tray, putting some random food on it. Maybe they've just forgotten that I came in today... and they both got their phones damaged? Maybe my phone is damaged and that's why neither Io or Lance or Cas- hadn't answered my messages...

That was, probably not right either. My phone still could access the Mirrornet just fine and I could see a post from Io's instacrown from not so long ago. So why hasn't she replied yet?

Once I got my tray full, mostly of things I didn't even notice putting on and had no idea if I would even eat all by myself, I had now to face the reality of the now full castleteria. What once before a mostly empty hall with just a couple people scattered around here and there, was now bustling with activity and movement. Most tables already full with talking and laughter. In the distance, I could see Lago and his friends, sitting and chatting as they ate. But that opportunity was wasted now.

I fiddled a bit and walked around the tables, looking for an empty spot or for any familiar face aside from Lago. I did spot my roommate a few tables over, and I did feel tempted to sit besides him, but, as soon as I thought of our last interaction, my cheeks FLUSHED a bright red in embarassment. Let's be honest, he probably hates me now!


My eyes scoured through the rest of the tables. I couldn't discern neither Io or Lance anywhere and most tables were already full.
I sighed, defeated, and took a seat at an empty place, giving another look at my phone despite knowing no new messages had arrived.

As soon as my mouth touched the princess and the pea-butter sandwich I held in my hands, an anterage of students entered the hall and started heading to what seemed an isolated part of the castleteria. At first, it took me a bit to recognize them, but the family crests embedded into jackets and vests gave them out. It was the children of the knights round table.

Leading the group was a blonde-haired boy, son of King Arthur himself.
Archivald, or Archie Pendragon held an unsure smile as he was followed by other knights like Gil Le Had, son of Galahad, Dian Donastra, son of

Atlas 7

Dinadon, Yvonne Urien, daughter of Yvain and... Lance?
If I didn't know him like the palm of my hand, I wouldn't have batted an eye, just like the other students that were munching on their meals. But I know Lance, and even if he was the son of the famous Lancelot, he very much disliked most if not all of the knights. Especially Archie, who had actively alienated Lance because of destiny. sure, he was just following his father's orders, but it was still what made Lance's school life hell.

It... didn't surprise me seeing Io by the end of the group. She had always been a social fairy and got along well enough with the knights. It... still didn't sit well with me.

My stare seemed to not go unnoticed as Io looked back at me. wether it was that fabled 'twin sense' or something else, I don't know. She only gave me a quick look as she took out her mirrorphone, putting her hand on her mouth as she started to type something.

A couple seconds after, I felt my Mirrorphone give out a 'ting!' sound.

"I'm sorry. I'll explain later!"

I felt my stomach drop as I saw them dissapear into the crowd. Even if the room was full to burst with people, I couldn't help but feel lonelier than ever.

I'd truly, really, have to start over from scratch in Ever After High.
