Ever After High Fandom Wiki

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Ever After High Fandom Wiki

Since the beginning of the known worlds, monsters, fairy tales, and Pokemon alike have searched for their meaning. Many strange and wonderous ledgends evolved from this pursuit of life's mysteries.

(EAH Theme Song plays...)

Raven Queen stands before your character. She is wearing her usual outfit, but on her belt are little red and white balls.

"Hello there! Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon! My name is Raven Queen. But most people call me the Pokemon Professor." She throws a ball into the air and out pops a large orange dragon with a lighter underbelly. It waves at you and Raven chuckles. "This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon. For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for competition. Myself... I study Pokemon as a profession."

Suddenly, someone comes up beind Raven. She's holding a staff and around her neck, a sloth-like creature is hanging there. Her hair is almost wild and the same red and white balls Raven has are hanging from the top of her staff. 

"Raven, you'll scare them." This new women turns to you. "The name's Jane Boolittle. I'm the Compion of the Clawlos Region, which you're in, by the way." She turns to Raven, who smiles, before she turns back to you. "Chose your Pokemon wisely, because you'll have to face Grim Leaders and Scarlite Four before you can challenge me."

"Or..." Another softer voice comes from behind Raven. A beautiful woman with golden hair and lips as red as blood smiles at you as she wraps an arm around the purple haired girl. "You could become something other than a challenger for the title of Chompion." She comes out from behind Raven and throws a ball which explodes in shiny stars and streamers to show a small ight purple cat-like creature with a gem on it's forehead and a split tail that yawns at you before curling up at Apple's feet. "I'm Apple White, top Hexordinator of the Clawlos region." She spins around and raises her hands. "So many possibilties!"

Raven steps forward, upstaging Apple and Jane. "So, pick your Pokemon wisely. Your very own Pokemon ledgend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon awaits!" She waves you forward and takes your hand. "Let's go!"

Come join fellow EAH and MH characters as Pokemon trainers at http://monsterhighpokemon.tumblr.com/submit where you can add your OC characters to the list of Clawlos region. 
