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Ever After High Fandom Wiki

I am sorta tired re: uploading new OCs, so perhaps it’ll be a fun alternative to work on writing instead. Credits to Zena for starting this trend, and check the other blog posts which use these prompts!

Zena - Rose - Na - Ris - Coral

Same process applies: send me a prompt with my OCs and I’ll write a drabble if I’m inspired!

Credits to Bugs and Hilary for the prompts!
  • Grimm - Your character has been sent to the Headmaster’s office. Is it defying destiny or perhaps a prank gone wrong that’s got you here?
  • Royal or Rebel - Write a drabble that describes the moment where your character became aligned.
  • Legacy Day - Your character is in Legacy Day practice and it’s their turn to speak. Does everyone live Happily Ever After, or is it a royal fairy fail?
  • Enchanted Forest - Your character heads towards the Enchanted Forest. Would they rather be someplace else? What do they like to do there?
  • Just a little Nursery Rhyme - Write a drabble about your character as a kid, at any point in their childhood.
  • Book End - Your character has gone out to do some shopping. What stores do they like and do they take anyone with them?
  • Friends Forever After - Your character has one friend who they know they can rely on. Perhaps show how they met or just a good friendship drabble.
  • Pied by the Piper - Your character is jamming to their favorite artist by themselves, or so they think. What are they listening to? Who interrups their groove?
  • Just Right - Your character is being particularly picky about one thing. What is it? Does their particularness drive anyone else madder than a Hatter?
  • Sweet as Porridge - Your character is eating, perhaps just dinner or maybe at a cafe. How’s the food, what are their eating habits like?
  • The Book of Lost Things - Your character looks into their family heritage and discovers they’re related to someone from another tale, be it recent or long lost. Who are they? How similar or different is it from their parent’s tale?
  • Sleeping Beauty - Your character has to get ready for the day. Are they an early bird or stay up as late as The 12 Dancing Princesses?
  • Happily Ever, Happily Never - Whether they like it or not, your character is fulfilling the last or most important part of their destiny. What are they thinking? Are they thrilled or dreading the moment? Do they attempt to escape without prevail?
  • Through the Looking Glass - Your character accidentally goes through a magic mirror and ends up in the Monster High universe? Are they a monster? A normie? How do they cope? What do they look like?
  • Cupid’s Arrow - Your character has been harbouring a major crush. How do they cope around the object of their affection?

Kovida "Vedant" Keck: Cupid’s Arrow[]

It was late and Vedant was blinking back yawns. He sighed forlornly at the ceiling and hugged his humming bird plushie, half-tempted to plug his ears. The reason for his sleeplessness rambled on, unaware of his conversation partner’s struggles to fall asleep.

“-and the coolest thing is that the director used compressed magic for the spray of blood! Of course, a cut aorta isn’t that explosive, but she really knows her craft.”

Hume’s voice was a comforting rumble as he spoke from across the room, but at certain points, his inflection changed rapidly, especially when he detailed the gruesome exploits of his favourite horror movie and its special effects.

If Vedant hadn’t known Hume for the past year, the passion in the other boy’s voice for gore would have alarmed him. Be that as it may, they were roommates and Hume’s enthusiasm was infectious. Vedant found himself prompting the other philosopher.

“I doubt horror movies try to be anatomically accurate.”

“Well, yes, and there’s also rumours that the director’s a vampire. Imagine that, a made-belief creature and the plot —which, another thing, it's totally ironic because-“

Hume sprung up from his bed and Vedant squinted as his roommate wildly gesticulated in the moonlight, silhouette flickering like a newly-lit flame.

That goes the rest of his sleep, Vedant wryly grimaced. Hume’s grin was as bright as a burning flare, setting his thoughts of dreams ablaze. These late-night conversations were the only time Hume seemed to shed the wearies from the day, and Vedant would risk his sleep schedule a hundred times over to stay up for even a minute more.

“Should I turn on the night light?”

Roselina "Lina" Love: Through the Looking Glass[]

In retrospect, Lina should have watched where she was going. Granted, she was distracted by Carole’s blush, but it goes against a maiden's teachings to lose sight of one’s surroundings - there was a story about wolves and forests. Now she’s paid the price with a bruised tailbone.

“Are you OK? You took a huge fall just now!”

Surprised, Lina unconsciously grinned as she accepted the friendly hand.

The hand fell down.

Or rather, Lina pulled the hand and it detached from an arm. The arm in question was stitched to Lina’s would-be saviour. The amiable stranger herself appeared to be cut up (and sewn back) in multiple areas. It all added up to a gruesome image.

Rather than recoil in horror and shock, Lina’s instinctual reaction was to help retrieve the fallen hand. Halfway to handing over the appendage, she realised three facts.

  1. The girl in front of her was stunningly pretty
  2. Lina wasn’t in the hallways of Ever After High (where was Carole?)
  3. Her own hand was covered in fur.

“I’ve never seen you around Monster High before, you must be a transfer student!” The girl smileed brightly and led Lina forward.

“My name’s Frankie. It’s voltageous that I caught you - I’m on the transfer student welcoming committee and I can bring you to Headmistress Bloodgood! It’s been so long since our last transfer—”

Frankie’s neck buzzed lightly in what seemed like excitement. Lina adjusted to the situation; Damsel in Distressing Lesson 20 was to find her friends and allies in an unfamiliar environment, and Frankie appeared genuinely nice — (un)attached appendages aside.

“-but long story short, I’m sure you’ll fit right in! What’s your name?”

“I’m Lina. Roselina Love, daughter of the King of Love. Thank you for bringing me to the headmistress! Can you tell me more about this place?”

“Not a problem! Monster High is a school for the coolest ghouls! I'll introduce you to my best friend Clawdeen later — I’m sure you two will fang out really well. Get it? because you’re both werewolves!”

Hearing another teen spout a terrible pun, Lina laughed loudly despite the alarming words. Her personal motto was to be kind, and Frankie had been nothing but friendly to her.

And in this unfamiliar school (and dimension?) where she’s a werewolf (and that was something else to unpack)? the only constants Lina could rely on was her kindness and the warm smile of her new friend.

Carole Nurys: Just Right[]

Snatch G. Banders: Just a Little Nursery Rhyme[]


“Higher! Higher!”

Snatch G. Banders was 5 and they missed Appa. Though Maman’s fun to play with, she could never toss Snatch into the air like Appa does while gliding. He even promised that flying was more fun, and they’re excited for the day when they can reach higher than a tumtum tree!

But bandersnatches couldn’t fly.

Remembering their classmates’ mockery, Snatch’s whiskers wilted and they no longer felt like playing.

Ma fille, why are you suddenly quiet? Are you tired?”

Snatch’s maman turned into her human form and gathered Snatch into her arms. It was an easy fit - though Snatch was already 5, they were much smaller than their classmates. They took after her father and resembled an imoogi, albeit one that’s much furrier.

Snatch turned into a human and sullenly stared at the ground.

“Come on, what’s wrong? You can trust maman.”

There was a patch of snapdragons by the tree, they would probably make better bandersnatches.

“Snatchling, talk to me.” Maman’s voice became hard with impatience.

“My classmates said I don’t look like you, maman. I’m not a true bandersnatch.” Snatch blurted out in a rush. Their eyes were cast downwards, so they didn’t notice their mother’s smile weaken. They could, however, feel maman’s arms tighten slightly.

“Snatch, you know how maman is from Wonderland and appa from Book-san?”

“That’s why I don’t look like a bandersnatch?”

“That’s not a bad thing!”

Snatch frowned. Maman wasn’t making sense - Snatch was the next bandersnatch in the Looking Glass, and they’re 5! They know that it’s a role which went to someone who looked like a bandersnatch. More importantly, didn’t maman know that it was hurtful to be different from their friends?

Wonderland treasured madness and individuality, but children and social circles were just as demanding as Ever After.

Maman huffed and started stroking their hair. It took a long while before either of them spoke up, Snatch stewing in their thoughts and her mother trying to phrase her words.

“Appa’s returning soon from visiting Grandma right?”

“Yeah, you said he would return today”

“Do you remember Book-san? It’s not as mad as Wonderland, but you loved playing in the sea.”

Snatch did in fact remember Book-san. They had not visited it in a year, but their parents acted as though they would’ve forgotten the place; there was no way it would ever happen. Though Wonderland was Snatch’s home, Book-san had halmeoni, and she always made the best treats.

“I miss halmeoni and her kkul-tarae”

“Yes! Book-san also has grandma and her food. This is from papa. Wonderland is from maman. Would you give both up to look like a bandersnatch?”

“No!” Snatch raised her voice and exclaimed forcefully, as if saying the words loudly meant that they were more true. They couldn’t imagine missing either parts of her life. Even if it meant their classmates would laugh at them.

"I’m glad, my snatchling," Snatch’s maman drew them close and ruffled their hair.

“Anyway, a bandersnatch isn’t all about appearances. We are also frumious and swift, and?”

“We snap at bankers!” Snatch clicked their teeth in a satisfied manner.

Oui!” Maman patted their head. “Appa is an imoogi and maman a bandersnatch, so you experience both cultures.”

"What does culture mean?"

Maman was about to answer, but a winding shadow appeared overhead. Snatch spotted the brilliant gleam of claws and jumped up from maman’s lap. Appa’s back from Book-san!

“Appa! Welcome back! How was halmeoni and did you bring anything from her?”

Snatch bounded forwards and was caught into a throw as the imoogi turned into a human.

“Halmeoni’s great and she wants to see us this Chuseok. Of course she would make something for her favourite grandchild.” Appa laughed at the barrage of questions, accepting a kiss from maman as he brought out a decorative box from the pockets of his coat.

“I’m her only grandchild!” Snatch impatiently said in the familiar pattern of retorts, but they undid the ribbon reverently.

In the box were neat rows of kkul-tarae, their wispy white strands glowing slightly under the sun. Snatch gingerly picked the sweet up and their fingers dusted with a faint coating of corn starch. Captivated, Snatch only half listened to maman’s words.

“This is culture, my snatchling.”

Snatch G. Banders: Bookend[]

Adeline Light: Enchanted Forest[]

Qing Ting-An: Happily Ever, Happily Never[]
